White to Brown Tan Review

Monday, 4 September 2017

With our summer tans fading, many of us are looking for a way to stay bronzed... personally, I've never been much of a fake tan lover. I'm not going to lie. I have never liked the strong cookie dough smell of fake tan, my white sheets get ruined and I always come out orange and patchy. Even when I get it professionally applied.

Most of my friends are fake tan converts and I've always been the pale one. However, I read a fellow bloggers review on a fake tan called White to Brown (which you can read by clicking her name!). After reading it, I reached out to her on twitter to find out more because it definitely sounded up my street- no strong smell and no streaks! I decided to try it out for the August Bank Holiday weekend, so ordered myself the skin polish and the tanning mousse in medium. I've never got on with lotions and have always had better (albeit still pretty shit) results with mousse.

I'd firstly like to point out White to Brown have FANTASTIC customer service- I was still debating whether to order some at nearly 4pm on the Wednesday. They assured me on twitter I'd get it on the Thursday, and low and behold by 11am it had arrived!

At midday I was in the bath scrubbing my skin with the skin polish which smelt gorgeous and left it really smooth. I followed this by dousing my entire body in Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula. I then set to work applying the tan. It had a great guide colour against my skin as I'm quite pale and I managed to ensure I didn't miss any major bits.

I stood around for a bit whilst it dried and then hopped into bed. I decided to avoid the whole tanned sheets saga I'd invest in a sleeping bag liner to sleep in- which protected my sheets fully! I bought a cheap one from Argos.

I woke up the next morning quite a strong colour, hopped back into the bath and washed the guide off. I was a beautiful tanned colour- the colour I go when I actually get tanned and I wasn't orange at all! Best of all, there were no streaks whatsoever!

The only thing I would say is to be super careful with your hands and feet. I firstly missed inbetween my fingers like an idiot, and I did have rather dark palms- I think I should have scrubbed them with a baby wipe rather than simply wiping them. However, the tan was absolutely fantastic and I'd definitely repurchase.

You can purchase White to Brown's tan from their website by clicking here.

Have you used a tan like this? Let me know!

XOXO Molly


  1. This sounds like a good tan to use. I gave up doing tans myself because of streaks etc and have spray tans now! Great post x

    1. Thank you! I have had a spray tan or two in my time and I've always ended up coming out orange and patchy! This is genuinely the best tan I've ever used!


  2. I've never used a good fake tan that doesn't streak! This sounds so good!

    Carrie x

    1. Definitely give it a go Carrie! It's totally worth it!


  3. I like that it comes with something to prepare the skin, that's the bit I always forget about and my tan ends up patchy. I'd love to see some before and after photos.


    1. I forgot to take them! Like a numpty. Waiting for this tan to fade and I'll reapply and post


  4. being so pale i think i'd look weird with tan on! would love to see the finished result!

    1. I thought exactly the same! I'm incredibly pale but it went on so well! I'm waiting for the current to fade and I'll post an update with a before and after xx

  5. The sleeping bag liner is such a good idea! Need to note that down as sometimes I use gradual tan and it makes my sheets smell like tan. Thanks for the tip x

  6. I don't use fake tan but if I change my mind I will give this one a try! x
    Lola Mia // www.lolitabonita.co.uk

  7. I've never been much of a fake tan lover because of the reasons you mentioned. So, this sounds like a good option for me.

    Faye Jessica | fayejessica.co.uk

    1. I literally used to think it was so much faff to end up with a streaky result. But coming out with a non streaky result was amazing! x

  8. Sounds like an amazing product! However after living in Hawaii for the last three years, I've never needed to use a fake tan haha. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Hawaii sounds amazing! And definitely no need for a fake tan haha! x


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