Oops I did it again.... where have I been?
Saturday, 31 August 2019 • Lifestyle
It's a pretty crappy rainy day, and I've actually sat down at my desk to write. It's the most inspired I've felt in months. I've had severe writers block for a long while, partly because I've been so busy, partly because I've been a bit bleh on my writing.
I've had a busy and packed summer and I've been pretty MIA on the whole blog front. Why you ask? Well, in honesty, real life has gotten in the way. Since my last life update, I've moved (twice) and I've actually had social things to do every weekend.. WHO AM I? I've watched my cousin get married (what a beautiful day!), been on holiday with the girls, caught up with some of my other girls, abseiled (down what can only be described as a mountain), met some baby cows, vaulted over fences, camped (again, WHO AM I?), competed in birthday olympics, BBQ'd a lot, cleaned out my stuff at my parents house and found my first ever jar of marmite, been out for dinner countless times, graduated from my masters degree... just to name a few of the things I've been up to! Lots of great memories with both friends and family.
Things are finally settling down for me. I love my job, I love my new house (and housemates!) and I'm enjoying life. I finally have time for blogging again. Expect lots of content coming your way!
XOXO Molly
I've Graduated!
Thursday, 1 August 2019 • Lifestyle
Graduating for a second time has given me a chance to reflect on my academic career as a whole, in particular my undergrad. For those of you who don't know, I did my undergraduate degree in BA Anthropology and Sociology with Gender Studies at the University of Hull.
The road to Hull wasn't exactly straightforward for me. I originally applied to study Anthropology at my firm choice, Brunel and my back-up choice, Southampton (where I coincidentally ended up for my Masters), and I missed my grades. I luckily did the International Baccalaureate and my grades came out a month before A Level results came out. This gave me a slight advantage in finding another university, especially as my year was the last year of £3k fees as competition was FIERCE.
I looked at all my options before settling on Hull. The course looked fab, my cousin had been to Hull before me and loved it, and I was up for moving up north from Herts/ Essex.
Place- I genuinely loved Hull as a place. It has a bad rep, and an undeserved bad rep. The people who live there are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet and I never felt unsafe. The university areas- Newland Avenue and Cottingham (although I hear the uni is shutting the Lawns- my first halls of residence! So sad) are lovely. The shopping in the city centre is also pretty sound- I loved St Stephens!
General Atmosphere- If it wasn't for Hull, I'd never have met one of my best friends (shoutout to Amy!) and had such a good university experience. The general atmosphere of the university is fantastic. I'll never forget chanting at the top of EYMS buses before a night out at Asylum. I was also joint social sec of the Trampolining club and I had some incredible experiences with HUTC. Although, I never did seem to get the hang of Trampolining! Socials in Jonny Mac were always a laugh, and I loved the fact I got to use a whistle.
Overall, I had a wonderful experience at Hull and I'd recommend to anyone looking at University to seriously consider Hull.
Have you been to uni? Have you been to Hull? I'd love to hear about your experiences!
PS. This post was in paid collaboration with The University of Hull. All experiences and thoughts are my own. Top image is from the uni website.
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