Resolutions and Goals for 2018

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

WELCOME TO 2018!! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year Period and that it was refreshing (even if too many wines were consumed! I know in my household there were!!). Fresh year, fresh focus. I personally don't like the idea of "new year, new me",  I don't think you need to change yourself just because it's a new year. I think resolutions are a way to tweak things you do in your life and or set goals to achieve. I also believe that its important to recognise and highlight things you are already doing well in and resolve to continue such things.

Once I've set resolutions, I also like to set mini milestones towards achieving those main resolutions. Maybe I'm weird, but I just like to feel like I'm moving in the right direction!

I thought I'd share a few of mine with you, I try not to set too many. I usually only go for 2/3 but since  I'm now blogging, I thought I'd make some blogging resolutions too! So there's a mixture of personal and blogging below...

i. Complete Masters and find a Graduate job- currently doing my Marketing masters so I'd like to find a graduate job in the Marketing arena.

ii. Continue to blog once a week- I usually blog once a week and on a Sunday evening, and so far I've been able to keep this up, so I'm resolving to continue this.

iii. Get to goal weight before I'm 25- for those who don't know, I've been on a bit of a weightloss journey with Weightwatchers and so far I've lost 4 st 10lbs. I have a further 12lbs to goal and I'd like to reach this before my 25th birthday.

iv. Try to exercise once a week- I suppose technically this goes hand in hand with the above goal, but I'm useless at exercising. I have a gym membership, but I rarely go. I'm going to try to go once a week.

v. Try to have 3/4 blog posts scheduled at a time- fairly obvious I'd like to think but I can be quite disorganised- and I need to be organised working two jobs and doing a full time masters course!

vi. Squeeze in some travelling- hopefully to somewhere new!

So there's mine... Do you have any resolutions? Do you like setting resolutions and or mini milestones? Let me know!

XOXO Molly


  1. I think setting mini-milestones is a great idea and I feel like I should try that. I am also hoping to lose some weight.

  2. I have set some resolutions this year, which are similar to yours as I'd like to exercise more as well as become more active on my blog x

  3. I think these are great resolutions, and so achievable. Also massive congratulations on your weight loss so far! Keep smashing it lovely! xx



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