Nirvana No / Low Alcohol Beers Review

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

I was recently sent some beers from Nirvana Brewery just in time for dry January. Although we ultimately failed (on several occasions) we did enjoy switching to low/ no alcohol alternatives throughout January and sampling the beers from Nirvana was no different.

As a bit of background to the Nirvana Brewery, they are an independent brewery and are the UK's only dedicated no-alcohol brewery which I think is ace. I love that their ethos revolves around those who choose not to drink being included in social situations. I've certainly felt pressure before at social occasions to drink previously so I'm all for this message!

Now... onto the bit you're waiting for... the results of the taste test!

We were sent the Hoppy Pale Ale, the Bavarian Helles Larger and the Dark and Rich Stout.

My personal favourite was the Hoppy Pale Ale as I found it super light and refreshing. It would be the perfect drink to kick back with on a summer evening whilst taking in the evening summer rays.Super cool and refreshing.

My boyfriend, Matt, was more partial to the Bavarian Helles Lager. It won a Great Taste award in 2020 and I can see why! I enjoy the biscuit type flavour and Matt agreed.

We were also sent the Dark & Rich Stout, however, I wasn't really a fan but that probably stems from the fact I am not a fan of stout in general!

These beers are available to buy on the Nirvana Brewery website, and I have to say, they are really good value. The Bavarian Helles Larger retails for £45 for a case of 24 beers - this works out to be just £1.80 for an independently brewed and good quality beverage!

Have you tried Nirvana No/Low alcohol beers before? I'd love to know!

XOXO Molly

AD:|| Please note, I was sent these beers to try by Nirvana Brewery, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own and I was under no obligation to post regardless of whether I enjoyed them or not.

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