September Netflix Picks

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Another month, another Netflix Picks post. Like August, I've mostly been watching re-runs of old things but I've watched a few new things. As usual, I'll share my recent watches and my thoughts without giving any spoilers...

I am a self confessed friends addict. I love watching friends. I've been watching re-runs on Comedy Central for years. When they released friends on Netflix, I was buzzing. This is my second re-watch. I love watching the gang at Central Perk, and I've even picked up some merch recently. Such a fan girl! If you've never watched Friends.. have you been living under a rock? I'm also going to 'Friends Festive' in London.. CANNOT WAIT. 25 years, can you believe it?!

Derry Girls
Right. I loved this series. I couldn't believe when I finished watching this, that there was a second season which isn't even on Netflix yet! I hunted it down and watched it on BBC iPlayer. Watch it, watch it, watch it. That is all!

A Simple Favour
I know this is a 2018 release, but I only watched it this month. I usually am not a fan of dark comedy- I get freaked out soooo easily. I really enjoyed this film though. I love both Blake Lively (of Gossip Girl fame) and Anna Kendrick (of Pitch Perfect fame) and they are the perfect combo!

Have you watched any of these this month? I'd love to know!

XOXO Molly

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